The most common 10 English Pronunciation mistakes Chinese people make.

Pronunciation Improvement

  • m ( vibration when word ends up with m)
    • tom - freedom - film - dream - room - system - sim - mom - storm - cream
  • n ( make tongue touch teeth when ends pronunciation of n )
    • none - Seven - Thirteen - Again - In - On - Heaven - Man - Ten - Own - Rain - Can - Moon - Down - Men - Open - London - Admin - Sun
  • l
    • milk - purple - world - silver - twelve -people - wolf - beautiful - else - animal - smile
  • v
    • very - voice - vocation - vegetable - victory - vibration - verb - verse
  • th
  • ɔ ( pronounce far more back )
    • soft - hot - boss - long - runoff - lifelong - login - wrong - daughter
  • ʌ ( pronounce far more back )
    • up - sometimes - money - above - untie - uphill - fun
  • a: ( pronounce far more back )
    • with “a“: father
    • with “ar“: apart - are /ər - ɑːr/ - aren’t - argue /ˈɑːrɡjuː/ - argument - arm - army - art - article - artist - bar - car - card - carpet - charge - charm - chart - dark - department - far - farm - garden - guard /ɡɑːrd/ - guitar - hard - harm - large - march - mark - market - park - part - partner - party - regard - remark - sharp - smart - star - start - target /ˈtɑːrɡɪt/ - yard
  • e ( pronounce far more back )
    • merry - sent - accept - bell - bend - best - bet - correct - desk - egg
  • ae ( pronounce far more back )
    • apple - act - add - and - ankle - back - bad - band - bank - bat - black - can - carry - fact - family - flat - hand - happen - happy - land - man - match - matter - plan - sad - stand - thank - travel - understand - value - tax - track
  • ei and ai ( don’t forget to pronounce ‘i’ )
    • with “ai“: aid - aim - brain - chain - claim - detail - explain - fail - gain - hail - jail - main - paid - rain - raise - remain - snail - stain - straight - train - trait - wait - wave
    • with “ei“: eight - neighbor - neighbour - weigh - weighed - weight
  • au and əʊ ( don’t forget to pronounce the last ‘wu~~~’ )
    • ouch - no - go
    • with “au“: about - account - amount - announce - around - background - blouse - bound - boundary - cloud - compound -council - counsel - count - county - discount - doubt - encounter - flounder - foul - found - founder - ground - house -loud - mount - mountain - mouse - mouth - noun - out - outcome - output - pound - profound - proud - round -scout - shout - sound - south - surround - thousand
  • t - p - d - k ( make the sound out )
    • but - look - ship - sleep - end - red - and